'Simply The Best Sales Livery for Value and for Good Quality Service!'

Information and FAQ's
The Price - £210 Per Week + £500 on sale.
What does this include? - Full all inclusive Livery, hay, haylage, bedding, turn out, riding.
All advertisement on - our website, social media and other horse advertising platforms (Horse mart / Horse quest). Whickr is an additional £15 per advert.
Communications - between viewers, buyers vets and transporters.
We do not take a percentage of the sale price on sale. We have a £500 selling fee.
Once we have found a suitable buyer for the horse, we let the owner help with the negotiations with price and tack etc, that way our buyers know who is selling the horse, and the owners know who is buying.
What does the price not include? - Clipping, Farrier, Dentist, physio and vet bills. Competition entries and competition transport.
How long will it take? - on average a horse is sold start to finish plus vetting and transport in around 4-5 weeks. This may be longer or shorter dependant on the horses saleability.
What will affect the horses saleability? - Price, health issues or defects, age, quirks and vices. We will do our best to advise you on an appropriate price for your horse.
We are more than happy for you to visit your horse on sales livery whenever you want!
Happy to help